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Monika Langarica

Major: Political Science and American Studies | Faculty Mentor: Ricardo Ramirez, Ph.D. | Department: College of Letters, Arts, & Sciences | McNair Project: “School Counselors & Policy Mediation: Understanding and Affecting Urban Student Outcomes”

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Daija Lewis

Major: Communications Emphasis in Media, Marketing, and Culture and Minor in Music Industry | Faculty Mentor: Josh Kun, Ph.D. | Department: Annenberg School for Communications & Journalism | McNair Project: “The Melodies of the Black Soul in Diverse America : Attitudes Toward R&B, Rap, and Black Life”

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Cymone Lonon

Major: Economics and Mathematics | Faculty Mentor: Lawrence Picus, Ph.D. | Department: Rossier School of Education: K- 12 Policy | McNair Project: “Employers’ Perceptions of Interdisciplinary Bachelor’s Degrees”

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William Lopez

Major: Architecture, and Politics, Philosophy, & Law | Faculty Mentor: Daria Roithmayr, J.D. | Department: Gould Law School | McNair Project: “The Theory of Emergence: Racial Segregation Patterns in the City of Los Angeles, (1900’s-2010)”

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Adriana Lovera

Major: International Relations and French | Faculty Mentor: Kristan M. Venegas, Ph.D. | Department: Rossier School of Education: Higher Education Policy | McNair Project: “Closing the Educational Gap: A Comparison of Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development [OECD] Country Educational Policies on Migrant Education”

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Vladimir Medenica

Major: Political Science and Psychology | Faculty Mentor: Jane Junn, Ph.D. | Department: Dornsife College of Letters, Arts, Sciences Administration | McNair Project: “Posting Political Participation: Young Voter Political Engagement on Social Networking Sites”

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Victor Paredes-Colonia

Major: Economics and International Relations | Faculty Mentor: Carol Wise, Ph.D. | Department: Dornsife College of Letters, Arts, Sciences Administration | McNair Project: “China’s Courtship of Chile: Implications for the Sino-Latin American-U.S. Triangle”

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Michael Randolph

Major: Business Administration Concentration Business Communication | Faculty Mentor: Naomi Warren, Ph.D. | Department: Marshall School of Business, Business Administration | McNair Project: “Think for Yourself: The Effects of Myers-Briggs Thinking/Feeling Dimensions on Business Team Decisions”

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Karolyn Sanchez

Major: Sociology and Minor Children and Families in Urban America | Faculty Mentor: Allen Lipscomb, M.S.W., Veronica Terriquez, Ph.D. | Department: Dornsife College of Letters, Arts, & Sciences | McNair Project: “Latino Social Workers Perspective on Cultural Competence”

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Vannessa Sanchez-Gonzales

Major: Psychology, Sociology, and Minor in Photography | Faculty Mentor: Amon Emeka, Ph.D. | Department: Dornsife College of Letters, Arts, & Sciences | McNair Project: “Expressed, Externalized, and Internalized Racial Identities of Spanish Caribbeans and Afro-Latin Americans in Los Angeles”