Adriana Lovera

Major and Classification

International Relations and French

Faculty Mentor

Kristan M. Venegas, Ph.D.


Rossier School of Education: Higher Education Policy

McNair Project

“Closing the Educational Gap: A Comparison of Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development [OECD] Country Educational Policies on Migrant Education”

Project Abstract

Migrant children often face many disadvantages when it comes to receiving a quality education as compared to their native peers. Statistics from several Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development countries show that migrant students tend to have weaker education outcomes at all levels of education and are more prone to dropping out before completing secondary schools. Their educational outcomes are closely tied to socio-economic factors and language barriers that are targeted in several migrant education policies, but the effectiveness of these policies and their importance are only beginning to be understood. The success of the children of immigrants and their successful integration into the labor market is a social and economic necessity to the host country, and therefore the many disadvantages that migrant children face during their education pose a major challenge not only to the students themselves, but also to the society that would see greater economic growth and social progress if these individuals were given the opportunity to fully develop their potential. This study will focus on the similarities and differences of migrant education policy in several OECD countries while focusing specifically on policies aimed at improving access and its effect on the goal of improving education outcomes and narrowing the achievement gap.