Diana Kirtley

Major and Classification Computer Science (Computer Security) Faculty Mentors Professor William O. McClure Department Biological Sciences and Neurology McNair Project The Effect of Prepulse oin Startle Response of Schizophernic Rats

Angela Martinez

Major and Classification Psychology Faculty Mentors Professor Maria Felix-Ortiz Department Psychology/Anthropology McNair Project Gender Differences in Risk and Protective Factors for Drug Use Among Latino Adolecents

Juan Vasquez

Major and Classification Biological Sciences Faculty Mentors Professor Natalie S. Cohen Department Biology McNair Project The Organization of the Pathway of Urea Symthesis in situ

Charles Alamah

Major and Classification Anthropology (Visual Anthropology) Faculty Mentors Professor Eugene Cooper Department Anthropology McNair Project Multimedia Application to Anthropological Research and Presentation

Jamal Amin Sharif

Major and Classification Mechanical Engineering Faculty Mentors Professor Raul Ronney Department Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering McNair Project Viscous Fingering of Premixed Gas Flame Fronts in a Hele-Shaw Cell

Jocelyn Strickland

Major and Classification English (Creative Writing) Faculty Mentors Professor Thomas Gustafson Department English McNair Project How Do Americans Decide What Qualifies as Literature?

Roger Severino

Major and Classification Business Administration Faculty Mentors Professor John Matsusaka Department Finance and Business Economics McNair Project Uncertainty and the Absence of Warranties in Medical Care

Fidel Thomas Rodriguez

Major and Classification Chicano/Latino Studies Faculty Mentors Professor Phillip Ethington Department History McNair Project De-Colonizing The Mind: A Post-Modern View of White Supremacy’s Symbols of Conquest

Maria Munoz

Major and Classification Psychology Faculty Mentors Professor Frank Manis Department Psychology McNair Project The Role of Phoneme Awareness and naming Speed to Predict Certain Kinds of Reading

Dalila Paola Mendez

Major and Classification International Relations Faculty Mentors Professor David Andrus Department International Relations McNair Project The Impact of Latin American Immigrants on the Califorina Economy