Susan Kalapura

Major and Classification Health Administration Faculty Mentors Professor Jay Conger Department Center for Effective Organizations McNair Project Implementing Stormwater Regulations Through Best Management Practices

Sona Kalapura

Major and Classification Public Policy Faculty Mentors Professor Jennifer Wolch Department Geography McNair Project none

Ruth Garcia

Major and Classification Nursing Faculty Mentors Professor Maryalice Jordan- Marsh Department Nursing McNair Project Assessing Health Status-Cultural Variations Across Generation of Latinos

Araceli Esparza

Major and Classification American Studies and Ethnicity Faculty Mentors Professor La Vonna Blair Department Public Policy and Management McNair Project Environmental Injustice: Unconscious Racism and the Public Policy Process

Ann Du Thanhmai

Major and Classification American Studies & Ethnicity Faculty Mentors Professor Viet Thanh Nguyen Department English and Asian American Studies McNair Project A comparison of Vietnamese American Refugee Narratives

Maynell Dona

Major and Classification Biological Sciences Faculty Mentors Professor Nina Bradley Department BioKinesiology and Physical Therapy McNair Project A Study of Infant Mortility

Nathaniel Dawkins Egbert

Major and Classification Linguistics and Psychology Faculty Mentors Professor Richard F. Thompson Department Biological Sciences McNair Project None

Rose Chon

Major and Classification Health Promotion and Disease Prevention Studies Faculty Mentors Professor Jim Dwyor Department Preventice Medicine McNair Project The Relationship Between Vitamin C Supplementatino and Blood Pressure: The Los Angeles Atherosclerosis Study

Katrina Cedano

Major and Classification Social Work/ Gerontology Faculty Mentors Professor Kathleen H. Wilber Department Gerontology McNair Project Financial Services and the Elderly

Susie Altamarino

Major and Classification Psychology Faculty Mentors Professor David Yaden Department Rossier School of Education McNair Project The Nature of transition from and Early Literacy Intervention to Kindergarren for Social_ Economically challanged second- language Preschoolers in Downtown Los Angeles.