Recent Graduate School Admission Offers!

Congratulations to Leonardo Bautista, our former Gateway Scholar (2020-2021), on being accepted to pursue a Ph.D in Materials Science and Engineering at UC Irvine in the fall! He also received an acceptance from Oregon State University! We are excited to announce that Jasmin Sanchez, a Gateway Scholar (2020-2021), started her Doctorate program in Occupational Therapy at USC in Fall 2023! …

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2023-2024 Cohort

The 2023-2024 Cohort consist of nine students. All students are preparing to attend the eight-week Summer Research Institute (SRI) that will begin on May 28th and successfully end on August 2nd. These students have a diverse range of research topics stemming from social and human behavior science, cognitive science, social psychology, neuroscience, and marine biology.

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Kimberly Villard

Major: Interdisciplinary Studies | Faculty Mentor: Dr. Lisa Aziz-Zadeh | Department: Psychology & Occupational Science and Occupational Therapy | Research Gateway Project: In Progress

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Vania Vazquez

Major: Health and Human Sciences, Minor In Occupational Science & Sociology | Faculty Mentor: Dr. Diego A. Lopez | Department: Occupational Science and Occupational Therapy | Research Gateway Project: In Progress

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David Moore

Major: Sociology | Minor: Addiction Science| Faculty Mentor: Dr. Adrian Huerta | Department: Socioloy | Research Gateway Project: In Progress

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Chanelle Mizrahi

Major: Human Development and Aging & Minor in Hip-Hop | Faculty Mentor: Dr. Tara Mastro | Department: USC Leonard Davis School of Gerontology | Research Gateway Project: In Progress

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Shirley Liang

Major: Biopharmaceutical Sciences with a Minor in Cinematic Arts | Faculty Mentor: Dr. Dion K. Dickman | Department: Biopharmaceutical Sciences | Research Gateway Project: In Progress

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Jocelyn Leon

Major: Health and Human Sciences and Public Health | Faculty Mentor: Dr. Daniel Soto | Department: Population and Public Health Sciences | Research Gateway Project: In Progress

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Michael Kim

Major: Pharmacology & Drug development | Faculty Mentor: Dr. Feixue Fu | Department: School of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences | Research Gateway Project: In Progress

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Olivia Dien

Major: Psychology | Faculty Mentor: Dr. Darby Saxbe | Department: Psychology | Research Gateway Project: In Progress