Alexis Asatourian

Major and Classification


Faculty Mentors

  • Professor Mitchell Earleywine


McNair Project

“The Effects of Dispositional Aggression and Alcohol Expectancies on Aggressive Behavioral Outcomes”

The study measured the association between dispositional aggression, explicit and implicit expectancies, alcohol consumption and the reported aggressive behavioral outcomes. Individuals from the University of Southern California and surrounding community participated in the study, yielding a total sample size of 169 participants. They began by completing a timed computerized task known as the Implicit Association Test (IAT). Following the administration of the IAT, the participants completed a number of paper and pen questionnaires assessing a variety of expectancy dimensions. Of these measures, the Alcohol Expectancy Questionnaire, Adolescent Version (AEQ-A), the Buss and Perry Aggression Questionnaire, and the Alcohol Expectancies Regarding Sex, Aggression and Sexual Vulnerability (AESASVQ) yielded the most significant results.