Ablao Villasin Jeremiah

Major and Classification Biological Sciences Faculty Mentors Department Biology McNair Project

Patrick Robinson Daniel

Major and Classification Gerontology Faculty Mentors Professor Kathleen H. Wilber, Ph.D. Department Gerontology and Public Administration McNair Project Implementation of the National Resident Assesment Instrument: Effects on Quality of Resident Care

Robert Prado Jesus

Major and Classification Philosophy/Political Science Faculty Mentors Professor Mitch Earleywine Department Psychology McNair Project The Correlational Aspect between Methamphetamine Psychosis and Herbal Stimulant Psychosis

Lee Paradise Brandon

Major and Classification Economics/Philosophy Faculty Mentors Department Economics/Philosophy McNair Project The Ability to do Otherwise: What is it?

Margaret Mendoza

Major and Classification Psychology Faculty Mentors Professor Gerald Davidson Department Psychology McNair Project Attitudes and Perceptions of Hate Crimes at the University of Southern California

Robert Mencel

Major and Classification Biomedical Engineering Faculty Mentors Professor Mary Kearrns-Jonker Department Research Cardiovascular Surgery McNair Project Motion Simulation of Xenoantibodies Targeting Galili Pentasaccharide

Antonio Martinez Marcos

Major and Classification Philosophy Faculty Mentors Professor Judith Jackson Fossett Department English McNair Project Ebonics: Africansim or American Phenomenon

Ukachi Madu Chinwe

Major and Classification Health Promotion and Disease Prevention Studies Faculty Mentors Professor Sohaila Shakis Department Health Promotion and Disease Prevention McNair Project Intra-Abdominal Fat and Risk of Disease in Children and Adolescents

Hovanes Margarian

Major and Classification Business Administration Faculty Mentors Professor Donald B. Kohn Department Childrens Hospital Los Angeles McNair Project Trunsduction of Human Hematopoietic Stem Cells

Thao Vu Mai Cindi

Major and Classification Accounting Faculty Mentors Professor John Matsuska Department Finance and Businesss Economics McNair Project The Role of Politics and Education oin East Asian Development