Major: Interdisciplinary Studies | Faculty Mentor: Dr. Lisa Aziz-Zadeh | Department: Psychology & Occupational Science and Occupational Therapy | Research Gateway Project: The Heart of Higher Education: Compassion, Academic Values, and Purpose Among College Students
Vania Vazquez
Major: Health and Human Sciences, Minor In Occupational Science & Sociology | Faculty Mentor: Dr. Diego A. Lopez | Department: Occupational Science and Occupational Therapy | Research Gateway Project: Voices of Care: Latinx Experiences in the U.S. Healthcare System
David Moore
Major: Sociology | Minor: Addiction Science| Faculty Mentor: Dr. Adrian Huerta | Department: Socioloy | Research Gateway Project: Using Possible Selves and Life Course Theories to Dissect the Pathways from Incarceration to Post-Secondary Education for Latino Gang Members
Chanelle Mizrahi
Major: Bachelor of Science in Human Development and Aging & Minor in Hip-Hop | Faculty Mentor: Dr. Tara Mastro | Department: USC Leonard Davis School of Gerontology | Research Gateway Project: A Multi-omic Characterization of Human Fibroblasts Overexpressing Alu
Shirley Liang
Major: Biopharmaceutical Sciences with a Minor in Cinematic Arts | Faculty Mentor: Dr. Dion K. Dickman | Department: Biopharmaceutical Sciences | Research Gateway Project: Neto-Beta’s Role in the Recruitment of Glutamate Receptors in the Drosophila Neuromuscular Junction
Jocelyn Leon
Major: Health and Human Sciences and Public Health | Faculty Mentor: Dr. Daniel Soto | Department: Population and Public Health Sciences | Research Gateway Project: Acculturative Stress and Identity Exploration: The Psychological Impact of Cultural Transition within the Mexican American Community
Michael Kim
Major: Pharmacology & Drug Development| Faculty Mentor: Dr. Feixue Fu | Department: School of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences | Research Gateway Project: B. Braunii, the Effects of Using Phosphate Repletion to Produce a Squalene Producing Machine
Olivia Dien
Major: Psychology | Faculty Mentor: Dr. Darby Saxbe | Department: Psychology | Research Gateway Project: Interpersonal Emotion Regulation and Romantic Relationship Satisfaction Among Expectant Parents
Evans Alvarez
Major: Cognitive Science | Faculty Mentor: Dr. Leor Hackel | Department: Psychology | Research Gateway Project: Modeling Meta-Perception Dynamics in Real-Time Social Interactions