Ricardo Valenzuela

Major and Classification Biological Sciences Faculty Mentors Professor Chien-Ping Ko Department Biological Sciences McNair Project Perisynaptic Schwann Cells are Replaced After Selective Elimination and Denervation.

Daniel Alvillar

Major and Classification Sociology Faculty Mentors Professor Olga Celle de Bowman Department Sociology McNair Project Inmate Industrial Production in U.S. Prisons.

Edwin Quinonez

Major and Classification Structural Engineering Faculty Mentors Professor Jim Moore Department Transportation Engineering McNair Project The Alameda Corridor: A Model Freight Transportation System.

Chau Pham

Major and Classification Gerentology Faculty Mentors Professor Thieo E. Hogen Esch Department Chemistry McNair Project The Hydrophobic Association of perfluorocarbon Pendent Group in Water-Soluble Polymers.

Manuel Perez

Major and Classification Civil Engineering Faculty Mentors Professor Yang Xiao Department Engineering McNair Project Steel Reinforced Concrete Cylinders.

Danielle Simmons

Major and Classification Psychology Faculty Mentors Professor Elyn Saks Department Law McNair Project Dissolving the Myths of Affirmative Action; An In-Depth Analysis.

Rosa Toro

Major and Classification Psychology Faculty Mentors Professor Joann Farver Department Psychology McNair Project Home Language of a Child: It’s Effect on Spanish and English Phonological Sensitivity.

Samika Bowick

Major and Classification Health Promotion Faculty Mentors Professor Lovonna Lewis Department Public, Policy, Planning McNair Project What Effect Does Program Intervention and Promotion of Nutritional and Recreational Activities have on African American Communities Suffering From Health Disparaties.

Jose Cardoza

Major and Classification Electrical Engineering Faculty Mentors Professor Hans Kuehl Department Electrical Engineering McNair Project NONE

Misty Cota

Major and Classification Business Administration Faculty Mentors Professor Raul Vargus Department Mexican American Programs McNair Project Racial Profiling in Age of Terrorism: A Threat to Civil Liberties or Necessary Under the Guise of National Security?