Brenda Shoo

Major and Classification Psychobiology Faculty Mentors Professor Michael Levy Department Pediatric Neurosurgery McNair Project Effecfts of Pertussis Holotoxin Intoxication on DTH Scores

Angela Martinez

Major and Classification Psychology Faculty Mentors Professor Maria Felix-Ortiz Department Psychology/Anthropology McNair Project Gender Differences in Risk and Protective Factors for Drug Use Among Latino Adolecents

Diana Kirtley

Major and Classification Computer Science (Computer Security) Faculty Mentors Professor William O. McClure Department Biological Sciences and Neurology McNair Project The Effect of Prepulse oin Startle Response of Schizophernic Rats

Xavier Henriquez

Major and Classification Occupational Therapy Faculty Mentors Professor Eric H. Schockman Department Psychology McNair Project Genetic Links to Prejudice and Discrimination

Gabriela Zomora

Major and Classification Public Policy and Management Faculty Mentors Professor Michael Genzuk Department Education McNair Project Latino Paraeducator’s as Teachers Building on Funds of Knowledge to Imporve Instruction

Stephanie Chan

Major and Classification Communication Faculty Mentors Professor William Dutton Department Communications McNair Project The TeleVillage: telecommunications in the 21st Century

Danielle Howard

Major and Classification Psychology Faculty Mentors Professor Frank Manis Department Psychology McNair Project Use of Thought Patterns to Enhance Expository Text Comprehension for Poor Comprehenders

Yvonne Chavez

Major and Classification American Studies and Ethnicity Faculty Mentors Professor Sundeen Department School of Public Admin McNair Project Teenage Volunteerism (Improving the effectiveness of high school volunteering programs)

Felicia Dudley

Major and Classification Social Sciences (Psychology) Faculty Mentors Professor Lynn Miller Department Psychology McNair Project Psychological Variables Contributing to Unsafe Sex Behaviors

Genaro Valenzuela

Major and Classification Business Administration Faculty Mentors Professor Bert Steece Department Business McNair Project Creating a more Parsimonious model that predicts the costs of software productivity, based on the characteristics of the software.