Charles Alamah

Major and Classification Anthropology (Visual Anthropology) Faculty Mentors Professor Eugene Cooper Department Anthropology McNair Project Multimedia Application to Anthropological Research and Presentation

Terry Haliburton

Major and Classification Gerontology Faculty Mentors Professor Roseann Giarusso Department Gerontology McNair Project Parenting and Co-Parenting of Grandchildren: Effects on Grandparent’s Well-Being and Family Solidarity

Charles Alamah

Major and Classification Anthropology (Visual Anthropology) Faculty Mentors Professor Eugene Cooper Department Anthropology McNair Project Multimedia Application to Anthropological Research and Presentation

Elias Alas

Major and Classification Architecture Faculty Mentors Professor Tridbid Banerjee Department Urban and Regional Planning McNair Project Los Angeles Nuevo Pueblo: The Next Layer

Leah-Nani Alconcel

Major and Classification Chemistry Faculty Mentors Professor HannaReisler Department Chemistry McNair Project Production and Detection of the Hydroxymethyl Radical From Acetol

Jorge Caceres

Major and Classification Planning & Development Faculty Mentors Professor Tridib Banerjee Department Urban Planning McNair Project Affordable Housing in Transit Oriented Districts

Peter Chan

Major and Classification Chemical Engineering Faculty Mentors Professor Charles E. McKenna Department Engineering McNair Project The Effects of Metal Cation on Troika Ester Hydrolysis

Michelle Dias

Major and Classification Engineering Faculty Mentors Professor Pirbazari Department Engineering McNair Project Advanced Membrane Pocess For Drinking Water Treatment

Christine Garcia

Major and Classification Psychology Faculty Mentors Professor Jo Ann Farver Department Psychology McNair Project Influences on Teenage Pregnancy

Ivana Gomez del Campo

Major and Classification Environmental Studies Faculty Mentors Professor Sheldon Kamieniecki Department Environemntal Studies McNair Project An Analysis of the Forces Shaping Air Quality Management in the South Coast Air Basin