Rachel Rosales

Major and Classification

Health Promotion and Disease Prevention

Faculty Mentor

Freddi Segal-Gidan, Ph.D.


Keck: Neurology

McNair Project

“The Perceptions of Dementia among Latinos”

Project Abstract

Symptoms of dementia include an inability to perform activities of daily living, and neuropsychiatric features (Overshott & Burns, 2008). Dementia affects 800,000 people in the UK and 4 million people in America, and thus research in this realm is critical in order to forestall the onset of dementia. However, it is also crucial to ascertain how cultural norms in different communities impact the likelihood that individuals seek help for dementia. In this study, we investigated how Latinos perceive dementia. The results of surveys that questioned participants about dementia and possible diagnoses and treatments revealed that although there is relatively limited information regarding dementia, people recognize the need to seek help when possible symptoms arise.