Andrea Porter

Major and Classification

Sociology and Minor in Forensics and Criminality

Faculty Mentor

Amon Emeka, Ph.D.


Dornsife College of Letters, Arts and Sciences

McNair Project

“Two Shades of Black: A Comparative Analysis Between the Social Experiences of Black International Students and Black Domestic Students at a White University”

Project Abstract

Previous research suggests that minority students often lack a sense of belonging when entering and attending predominantly White institutions of higher education in the United States (Allen,2002). In this study it is hypothesized that matriculating into a predominantly White institution is more difficult for Black international students in comparison to Black domestic students, although both groups experience cultural and psychological distress. Using qualitative methods, the author examines the extent and effects of this distress on the collegiate experiences of Black international students and Black domestic students. Contradicting the central predictions of the study, results concluded that more Black domestic students reported feelings of social exclusion and isolation than Black international students. Possible causes and consequences of this unexpected finding are discussed.